John Bunnell is EXTREME

Maybe you have heard that Worlds Wildest Police Videos (WWPV) has been syndicated in several countries...? Does that make the show any more credible? I think not!
Retired Sherriff John Bunnell and "Officer Jensen" are so far gone, they don't even know it any more.
The show is narrated by John Bunnell, with occassional input from his cohort, Officer Jensen. It is quite likely that the narration is written, and the show directly edited by Bunnell who does a interesting job at trying to make (stupid) cops look smart.
Apparently, Bunnell is ominpotent; he does have the advantage of knowing how a given chase works out before he shows the end, yet he is also able to present the end of a given segment, when and how he wants. The only thing he can't do is actually tape the chase, unless it's a training scenario, which he does not divuldge as a training segment when he airs such a scene.
Ok, so maybe it sounds like I watch way too much of the shows, but as an American, I like just as much sex and violence as the next guy, but I do know how to filter out the BS and, a lot of this show is BS!
Repeated segments of a "long" chase become obvious when you see the time stamp vary as the so-called chase progresses and other chases that are presented as short, are actually much longer than Bunnell would have us think. Bunnell tries to prevent viewers from being able to see that the chase didn't really happen the way he presents it, but he is only human (though he never admits it) and he does occassionally slip up. I have even seen where he managed to provide a mirror image of a given scene to make it look different. This was evident because of a quick zoom of the in car camera scene where the date stamp was reversed, although you could only see the backwards text for a split second.
I guess he considers himself to be clever and the typicall viewing audience to be so slow that they won't notice his attempts at clever editing.

Posted byWoodzy at 3:42 PM  


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